Why Right Now is the Perfect Time for a Real Estate Career!

Maybe you’re just now exploring real estate or perhaps you’ve been thinking about it for a long time. Either way, you’re thinking, “Why should I get into real estate RIGHT NOW?”

Great question, we're glad you asked…

Today we want to give you 3 great reasons why we think NOW is the BEST time to get into real estate:

#1 Strong Market Conditions

Have you tried to buy a house lately? It’s crazy out there. It’s no secret that the housing market is strong. Homes are selling really fast for record-setting prices. What does this mean for you?

Well, seeing as it’s a seller's market, and seeing that Keller Williams teaches you to focus on listings as the way to generate more leads and leverage for your business, then this is perfect for you.

We don’t need a crystal ball to be able to tell you that this type of market won’t last forever. Contraction and expansion are just a normal part of the national real estate market. When the contraction time comes, many agents who don’t build their business on the right foundation will be forced out of the business.


Because these agents only know one type of market, and when a shift happens… they can’t handle it.

For new agents, a strong market can be the best and easiest time to learn the skills and disciplines necessary for success. Then you will be well-equipped and confident for ANY type of market.

#2: Your Job is Unstable

Now you might be thinking, “What do you mean my job is unstable? I thought real estate was unstable. You’re telling me that my steady paycheck job is unstable?!”

That’s right. Job security is a thing of the past. We're sure you realize by now that the time when people worked the same job for 40 years and then retired with some good benefits has come and gone. Today people are moving jobs on average every 2-4 years! That’s a big shift from what your parents experienced.

This shift contributed to a corporate culture where employers expect employees to turn over more frequently. We’ve seen competent employees lose their job because an entire business went under and layoffs can come when you least expect it. Have you ever been fired, laid off, or seen entire divisions lose their jobs because of the company “restructuring?” Additionally, with the advancements in AI (artificial intelligence), companies are experimenting with way to leverage AI and some of those ideas may include the replacement of certain jobs.

Do you know what real job security looks like? It looks like having the freedom to design your own schedule, be your own boss, and get to decide for yourself what you want to make. It looks like not being dependent on your company to pay you every two weeks or hoping for another raise.

As a real estate agent, you will not depend on anyone else for your paycheck, because YOU can write your own paycheck. You just need to learn the scripts, dialogues, and models for success that we teach you at Keller Williams.

YOU will be able to design your own schedule, be your own boss and earn as much as you want to make. And we can tell you from experience, that every commission check you earn will feel like a cause for celebration. When was the last time you celebrated receiving a paycheck?

And the final and most important one…

#3 If Not Now, Then When?

This is the biggest one. You’ve been wanting to start a career in real estate, so ask yourself this: why not start now? Why not take the classes and start the licensing process? Why not take the initiative to change your life for the better?

If you’re like most of us, chances are you won’t have more time in 5 months or 5 years than you do today. Our lives tend to get MORE busy and crazy as life goes on.

So what’s the point?

You will probably never have a better or more convenient time to start than right now.

There are so many people who let fear hold them back from doing something they really want to do and end up saying, “Why didn’t I start then? I wish I had.”

We encourage you to be the one who said “I’m glad I did,” not “I wish I had,” 5 years from now.

The quicker you can jump in and get started, the quicker you can take back control of your life and your journey toward more freedom.

We're not going to lie, it does take work. Real work. Nothing that’s worthwhile to accomplish ever came without putting in the work and running a business is not for everyone.

For those willing to do the work, and those who want an amazing business and more freedom, the timing couldn’t be better!

So, why not start now?

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Commissions are not set by law or practice and are fully negotiable. There is no commission standard and pricing will vary by agent and market conditions. This KW Brokerage does not determine commissions and plays no role in establishing commissions. Likewise, offers of cooperative compensation are fully negotiable and not required by law or practice. Offers of cooperative compensation must be openly discussed with your client and authorized in writing before they are made or accepted. This KW Brokerage plays no role in agent decisions to offer or accept cooperative compensation and imposes no requirements on agents to offer or accept cooperative compensation.