How To Crush Your First 30 Days In Real Estate

There are 101 things pulling at you for your time and attention. From kids, to our phones, to the endless chores and everything in between, often it’s hard to cut through the clutter and focus on doing the most important things that need to be done.

This is especially true in your first month as a real estate agent, you’ll likely feel overwhelmed with everything there is to do. That’s why we created this top 7 list of the most important things you can do to crush your first 30 days in real estate and set yourself up for a great first year.

#1 Start Taking the IGNITE Class

IGNITE is a free training class we offer at Keller Williams. This training is specifically designed to get new agents into production FAST! Virtually every question you have right now that relates to getting clients, servicing those clients and creating long term success will be answered in this training.

You can always reach out to us to learn more about IGNITE and how you can participate in this free training.

#2 Build A Database

Your database is your business. If you consistently feed and nurture it, it will consistently give you leads and without leads, you don't have a business. Recently, Keller Williams did a study on our entire agent base a found that agents who had between 201-1,000 contacts in their database earned on average over $100,000 in Gross Commission Income. Now, I can't guarantee you will have the same results however, I highly encourage you to start day one in real estate with 201 (or more) contacts that you can load into KW's technology platform COMMAND. This ONE thing could be the difference maker in year one.

The easiest ways to start is to look at your phone contacts and your social contacts. Make a list of 201+ people you know with their names, contact info, and anything else that will help you remember who they are.

#3 Call Your Database

Here’s the fun part. Once you have that list of 201+ contacts made, now you actually get to connect with them to let them know you are in real estate. If this seems daunting to you don’t worry, you’ll learn some great conversations for doing this from the IGNITE class.

Interestingly enough, you’ll discover that most people love talking about real estate and these first 201+ people likely all know, like and trust you already. They want to see you succeed!

Here's a simple conversation track that works extremely well: "I want to make sure I am available for when my friends and family need me this year. What are your real estate related plans for the next 12 months or so?"

#4 Find a Coach/Mentor

This is a great way to jump-start your business. At KW we have multiple options for coaching and mentoring. Our offices have a productivity coaching program designed to help agents get into production. If Michael Jordan needed a coach, we believe so does every agent who wants to set high goals and achieve them.

The great thing about KW's culture is we believe in helping our fellow agents be successful. Remember, the fastest way to shortcut the learning curve is by having someone farther along the path then you give you wisdom and insight to follow. Don't reinvent the wheel, or as we say in KW, "follow proven models."

#5 Hold an Open House 

At some point, you’re going to have to take what you’re learning and talk to potential customers. An open house is a great way to naturally have those conversations in a low-risk environment.

Many times agents in KW who have listings yet are busy will be willing to have someone hold the house open for them. During an open house, you can practice your real estate conversations while at the same time practice asking for business. Your results will be directly tied to the number of real estate conversations you have.

#6 Practice Real Estate Conversations

Through IGNITE and many of our other resources, you will learn the conversations that successful agents use for all the different interactions with a customer. Using these conversations is not about being a robot; it’s about knowing what to say and communicating the right thing in every situation so you come across professional and as someone who can help them.

Start practicing and memorizing your conversations so you will never be at a loss for words. If you can find a conversation partner where you can both practice with each other, then even better. Make an appointment with yourself or with your conversations partner to practice them in the morning before you start your lead generation.

#7 Shadow An Agent 

One of the best ways to learn how to do something is to watch someone else do it. I always recommending asking a few top agents if they would be open to you shadowing them to learn. Some of the things you should shadow an agent doing are:

  • Lead generating

  • Going on a buyer appointment

  • Going on a listing appointment

These are three of the most important activities an agent does. Learning how they are done correctly from the beginning will likely enhance your results. When you watch someone in action and you can model what makes them great.

If you can do all of these 7 things in your first 30 days, you’ll be ahead of the curve for a great first year in real estate. Don’t get caught up and just stay in the safe environment of learning. If you can get in the cycle of learning and applying, learning some more, and applying some more, you will quickly rise to be a top agent!

Remember, action takers are money makers!

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WARNING: You must comply with the TCPA and any other federal, state, or local laws, including for B2B calls and texts. Never call or text a number on any Do Not Call list, and do not use an autodialer or artificial voice or prerecorded messages without proper consent. Contact your attorney to ensure your compliance.

Negotiating Commissions Disclaimer

Commissions are not set by law or practice and are fully negotiable. There is no commission standard and pricing will vary by agent and market conditions. This KW Brokerage does not determine commissions and plays no role in establishing commissions. Likewise, offers of cooperative compensation are fully negotiable and not required by law or practice. Offers of cooperative compensation must be openly discussed with your client and authorized in writing before they are made or accepted. This KW Brokerage plays no role in agent decisions to offer or accept cooperative compensation and imposes no requirements on agents to offer or accept cooperative compensation.